A will litigation lawyer Florida may be needed to assist getting your inheritance. But before you start interviewing, here are some insights that may prove helpful. (To learn more about the Florida probate process, you can click this link.) Where’s my inheritance? Ever wonder why it takes some trustees so long to get your inheritance to you? Beneficiaries and family members sure do ! Same question about estate executors or personal representatives. I can’t tell you how many prospective clients call our firm each week complaining about their fiduciary. Did you know that an estate is supposed to be administered “expeditiously?” Common complaints which are repeated over and over again: Will Litigation Lawyer Florida So, do you know the signs of a “good” one? (I know, I know…. what’s “good”?) Here are some considerations . Some questions to ask when you are interviewing attorneys to assist you with your Florida estate or probate matter. Remember: try to interview as many as you have time for.