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Category: Our Firm

Homestead Appeal

FAQs Jan 13, 2023
post about Homestead Appeal

A homestead appeal often means that there are millions of dollars on the line. So, you need a probate lawyer who understands both the intricacies of Florida homestead and also appeals. (To read about getting attorneys fees for your appeal, consider reading this). Experience Counts Let’s face it. Experience Counts. Homestead law is confusing. So are appeals. And sometimes there is “tension” between a 2nd, 3rd or 4th spouse and the deceased Florida resident’s adult children. But, in Florida, a surviving spouse or widow has VERY VALUABLE PROPERTY RIGHTS. Unless you signed a prenup. But even then, folks “fight” over what the prenup says. What its terms are. Who gets what? That’s why it makes sense to find a law firm that has handled appeals for years. And specifically homestead litigation and appeals. Here is a recent homestead appeal that got the client millions of dollars. The adult children of the deceased Florida resident “fought” the surviving spouse, who signed a prenup. The 4th District Court of Appeal reversed the Palm Beach County probate judge (who gave the spouse nothing). The DCA agreed with the lawyers for the spouse –she should get half of the homestead. When the appeal finished, the real estate market was on fire. The residence was worth millions. And the spouse got millions. Homestead Rights So, the surviving spouse has very valuable homestead rights. This includes a right to live in the deceased Florida resident (spouse’s) home. See Florida Probate Law 732.401. Or, under limited 6 […]


Palm Beach Trust Lawyer

Our Attorneys Dec 11, 2022
post about Palm Beach Trust Lawyer

Many Floridians are leaving your inheritance in a revocable trust. Here are some steps to help you find a Palm Beach Trust lawyer. You should first consider whether you even need one at all. Why and when? Why do you need a Palm Beach trust lawyer? The truth is that you may not. Confident and experienced trial lawyers will tell you this. Not to be coy or play hard to get. It’s because they have the business and law practice to be upfront with potential clients. And, most will tell you that if you can avoid litigation, you should save a lot of money, time and angst. If you are inheriting from a trust, ask yourself: do you trust your trustee? If your trustee is responsible, attentive and responsive, you probably don’t need a lawyer. However, if you need to understand your rights, or file a trust contest or objection, consider whether you can afford the time and patience needed. After all, trust litigation takes time, is costly, and some people find it anxiety-ridden. Sometimes, people have different interpretations over a trust or want to void a trust amendment. (To read the Florida Trust Code, click here.) Yes, many trust beneficiaries want some so called “fire power”. A pitbull on their side who can explain and advocate for them. But try working things out with your trustee first. She is supposed to give you information about your trust and inheritance. Communicate. Be reasonable. Try to avoid the time and expense […]


How to Object to the Will in Florida

In the News Nov 28, 2022
post about How to Object to the Will in Florida

There are short time frames in Florida probate court to object to a will. Or to contest the validity of a will. But, what’s the difference between “objecting” and asking questions? A recent Palm Beach appeals court case discusses this issue. (To read about ESTATE OBJECTIONS, click that link.) How to exercise your rights If you want to object to a Florida will, you need to get to probate court. And file a petition. It might be a petition that objects to the will. (To know what you need to do, click HERE.) When you object to a will, you are calling into question its validity. Many times, a will will be set aside if it was caused by undue influence, lack of “mental capacity” or an insane delusion. Those wills can be void. Get in the game But how do you exercise your rights? File a petition in the probate court. What if there is no probate? (Open one !) Well, how do you know there’s even a valid will? After all, you are supposed to file a will with the clerk of the county of the residence of the dead person. And not all wills are filed. Sometimes, people are convinced there is a will, but there is none. In that case, the HEIRS INHERIT IT ALL. If there’s no probate, open one up. Give notice. File a petition and make your claim. But……………be careful of the 3 month window. Are you limited to 3 months? You may […]


Trust Contingency Lawyer

Our Firm Nov 20, 2022
post about Trust Contingency Lawyer

What is a Trust Contingency Lawyer and can she help you with your Florida Trust Case? Understanding a contingency fee in your Florida Trust Case A contingency fee is where the client pays the lawyer a % of their Recovery. If there even is a Recovery. A Recovery is a jury verdict, a judgment or a settlement. No Recovery. No Fee. To read more, click HERE. Is a contingency fee right for you? We have written about the pro’s and con’s of contingency fees in the past. You need to understand the risks and rewards. In the Florida Trust context, the trustee has trust money to use to hire lawyers. How does a beneficiary compete? There are a handful of select trust litigation lawyers who do take a select number of cases on a contingency fee. How do you know if you are getting a good one? How to find a trust contingency lawyer in Florida. Fist of all, contingency fees are governed by the Florida Bar Rules. Those rules regulate what lawyers can charge. 2nd, consider trying to find a firm that SPECIALIZES in trust litigation. They should know The Florida Trust Code and also the Florida Evidence Code. After all, you need to be prepared for your trust trial. 3rd, they should actually try cases and handle appeals. Be wary of so called “trust lawyers” who say they go to court. Ask them: how many trials they have had in the last year? Or during Covid. And don’t […]


Inheritance Lawyers — 5 Traits to Look For in Florida

Our Attorneys Jul 30, 2022
post about Inheritance Lawyers — 5 Traits to Look For in Florida

Inheritance lawyers in Florida know a thing or two about the probate process + trusts. And, also, how many times an estate can drag on and on–and on and on! Knowing HOW MUCH you inherit, and WHEN you are supposed to get your money are important. Every estate executor in Florida has a lawyer. Who’s watching your back? Inheritance or Inheritance Fight? It should be easy enough, right? To get your inheritance. Who’s responsible when it takes so long to get what is yours? Do the lawyers slow it down? Or is there someone trying to steal your inheritance? I mean Florida has lots of folks with billions and billions, if not trillions, of dollars. You have a will, maybe a trust, and you get your inheritance, right? Well, the probate process does take time. There are rules and procedures. And if money is left in a trust, you have to deal with setting up the trust. And remember, the dead person’s creditors (e.g. IRS, Uncle Sam, credit card company, mortgage, pool cleaning, cable, etc) all need to be paid before the beneficiaries see a dime. That’s why a good inheritance lawyer may be needed. Below are 5 things you may want to look for in a good Florida inheritance lawyer. 5 Questions to Ask a Florida Inheritance Lawyer Are you experienced? Some Florida lawyers write wills but also do dog bites, car crashes and slip and falls or criminal defense. Is that who you want helping you on an […]


Florida Guardianship Lawyer — what you can learn from a recent case

In the News Dec 19, 2021
post about Florida Guardianship Lawyer — what you can learn from a recent case

Finding a good Florida guardianship lawyer should not be hard. There are, after all, dozens of so called “elder law” attorneys and “guardianship attorneys.” But if you are in a “fight” or a contested guardianship, don’t you need firepower? A guardianship trial attorney? A December 15, 2021 case lets you get up to speed very quickly on some of the most important legal principles. To see a number of FREE FLORIDA GUARDIANSHIP VIDEOS, simply click those words. What You Need to Read How can you learn the basic “legal stuff” about guardianships quickly? There are four things to read. The Florida Guardianship Code. Chapter 744 of the Florida Statutes is our Guardianship Code. That is an excellent place to start. It sets for the basic legal concepts, some procedural time frames and legal rights. Second, consider reading the Florida Probate Rules. Why? Because there are special rules for guardianships. See Part III to the Rules. I know that everyone has see the Netflix film, I Care a Lot, or have read about the Britney Spears guardianship. But in Florida, you might consider taking your cues from serious, experienced guardianship trial attorneys. Read Florida Appellate Opinions. These are written legal opinions from our District Courts of Appeal. There is a December 15, 2021 opinion from the 3rd District Court of Appeal. That court handles appeals for Miami-Dade County. Let’s see what we can learn from their opinion in the In Re: Guardianship of Ash. Florida Guardianship Lawyer — do I really […]


Florida Trust Lawyer — to help you with administration, litigation, malfeasance, or …..?

Our Attorneys Dec 4, 2021
post about Florida Trust Lawyer —  to help you with administration, litigation, malfeasance, or …..?

Trust law in Florida is sort of specialized, right? I mean there are special rules and laws. We have previously written about hiring a Florida Trust Lawyer. Now, let’s go a bit deeper and give you another perspective. Whether you are a beneficiary, trustee, or you were cut-out of an inheritance, and need to file a TRUST CONTEST, the following should be helpful. How Do I Find the Best? Many times, wealth in passed along to a trust. You don’t get your inheritance OUTRIGHT. Your receive money or property in a Florida Trust. And you have to ask your trustee for money in many cases. That’s because many trusts give a trustee the DISCRETION to give — or not give— money to you. That’s a lot of power over a lot of money. Beneficiaries who claim that their trustee is not behaving properly may sue. Many times, those Florida trust lawsuits revolve around whether or not the trustee abused her discretion. For a free video on Trustee Abuse of Discretion, click that phrase. To read a book about being a Florida Trustee written by trust litigator John Pankauski, Esquire, click HERE. Find the Florida Trust Lawyer That’s Right For You Now, no one is telling you to run down to the county clerk’s office and file a trust lawsuit. But, it may make sense to have a Florida trust lawyer explain how your trustee is doing. How is the trust being managed? The truth is, many times beneficiaries mistakenly believe […]


Undue Influence Lawyer Florida

FAQs Nov 18, 2021
post about Undue Influence Lawyer Florida

Need an undue influence lawyer Florida? Understanding this legal concept can assist in finding an experienced attorney for your will contest or trust contest. To see a free video on undue influence, you can click HERE. To read more about undue influence, click HERE. Now, let’s discuss this topic in light of a November 17, 2021 opinion from the Miami-Dade Appellate Court. What is Undue Influence? Undue influence is a form of fraud that can cause a will or trust to be void. If someone caused a will or trust to be signed by undue influence, it’s void. Undue influence is over-pursuasion, force, coercion. Pressure. When that pressure or force or influence is so great, the “undue-influencer’s” desire and intent replace the victim’s. To read more about this legal topic, click HERE. To read about the warning signs of undue influence, click this FREE Florida probate legal commentary. Recent Appellate Opinion Undue Influence Lawyer Florida On November 17, 2021, the 3rd District Court of Appeal issues its opinion in the case of In Re: Estate of Tien. You can read that opinion for free . That case dealt with related issues involving a challenge to the will, a voluntary dismissal and a caveat.


How to Revoke Probate in Florida

FAQs Sep 12, 2021
post about How to Revoke Probate in Florida

How to revoke probate in Florida may be the key to getting your inheritance. Regrettably, in some cases of undue influence and probate fraud, it’s your only option. If a probate was “opened“, you will need to take action if you want to preserve your rights. And fight back. Knowing where such a petition fits in with you trying to get your inheritance is key to your success. Understanding the Probate Process in Florida In Florida, when you die, there are special rules for what happens to your property. Specific procedures that need to be followed. For example, most beneficiaries don’t know that all creditors and estate (probate) expenses are paid first ! Before a beneficiary sees a dime ! First, your assets should be gathered. This process is also known as “marshalling” your assets. Non probate assets, so called “will substitutes” like joint accounts, generally go to the survivor. But not always. Knowing when such an asset should come back to probate is often heavily litigated. So much for “avoiding” probate with joint tenancy, right? Second, all debts of the decedent need to be paid. Mortgage? IRS? Borrowings; last electric bill; cable bill, etc. You get the point. Then expenses of administration need to be paid. Including the probate lawyer ! Court documents need to be filed in the probate court and interested persons need to receive notice. What if the will that is on file is wrong? What if the petition for administration was granted and you think […]


Florida Will Contest

Our Firm Sep 7, 2021
post about Florida Will Contest

What is a Florida Will Contest and what do you need to know? To see a free Florida probate video about a will contest, CLICK HERE. To learn more, keep reading. An Introduction to Florida Will Contest A Florida will contest is a challenge to a will. It involves going to court, the probate court, and making a claim. This claim is often in the form of a court-filed document called a Petition. In that Petition, you set forth your case on why the will is not valid. That is your challenge. You challenge the validity of the will. Florida law lists a limited number of reasons why a will may not be valid. Understanding all of these legal avenues is key to your success. Gathering your evidence is key. Finally, knowing how to try this type of case is paramount. Unless you settle your will contest, it will go to trial. A probate judge will tell you whether a will is valid or not valid. If there are a number of wills in play, she will tell you which ones are valid, which are not valid, and which one controls. Are you ready? Affect of Fraud or Duress A will that is caused by Fraud or Duress is void. Undue influence is a kind of fraud. Many times, people question wills that are signed right before death. Or, when a new beneficiary magically appears in a will, and was never there before. If a person forced or pressured someone […]