An August, 2021 appellate opinion tells you all about Florida fraud on the court. What do you need to know to prove your case? We have previously provided Florida legal commentary about probate fraud. For a free video on CIVIL THEFT, click HERE. Understanding This Legal Concept — lying and motions What is Florida fraud on the court? Well, let’s start with fraud. What is fraud in Florida? Think of fraud as a lie. A really bad mis-representation. Meant to deceive. In come contexts, like fiduciaries — like trustees— fraud can be constructive fraud. That’s when one has a duty to disclose or provide information, but they don’t. In Florida, there are many types of frauds and many rules. Fraud on the court, however, is a different type of fraud. If you believe that someone has lied to the court, to the judge, or to you, consider filing a proper motion. A motion has to have the specific lies or frauds and must list why the other side is lying. And what the court should do because of those lies. What do you need to know? Fraud on the Court in Florida On August 18, 2021, the 3rd District Court of Appeal released its opinion. Chess v. Sweeney This case dealt with Florida Fraud on the Court. For those who have been lied to in court, you may want to read this case. You may also want to file a motion and alert the judge to this. Below is a […]