Why would anyone “file for guardianship” in Florida? Here are the 5 reasons which you need to consider on why start a guardianship. Why start a guardianship? Let’s first assume that you understand the procedure for how to start a guardianship. If you are not sure, consider three options, first. One, read the “how’s” by clicking THIS LINK. That link provides free Florida guardianship legal commentary. No charge. No signups. No emails. 2nd, consider reading the Florida Guardianship Code found online for free at Chapter 744 of the Florida Statutes. Or, click this free link that will take you online directly to those laws. 3rd — to see some free Florida guardianship videos, simply click this link. Again: no emails, no signup, no one will ask you for an email or to join anything. You will obtain perspective very quickly and the legal videos on Florida guardianship are separated by topic. So you can scroll through them and watch what you want — and not see what you don’t want. With that said, now, let’s discuss WHY start a guardianship. With that brief introduction to Florida guardianship, let’s get to the meat of the coconut. The Golden Rules and Platinum Results Everyone who hires a guardianship litigator wants a “lion”, not a “cub.” Alpha Dog or pussy cat? Right? May sound “un-professional” or overly simplistic. But that’s reality. …hope you are getting the platinum results which you want and may deserve. To try to understand that…………… start below….. If you […]