You’ve heard me say many times in this Florida probate lawyer commentary that guardianship law Palm Beach is a growing,expanding area of the law and indeed the service sector. Guardianships in Delray Beach areserious and, for good or ill, serious business. You need accountants or CPA’s and book-keepers to keep track of all the money when someone is guardian of the property like Boca Raton bank accounts, checking accounts, and Boynton Beach brokerage accounts holding stocks and bonds and mutual funds. How does the probate court and family members and others who are “interested parties” in and to the guardianship know if the money–your parent’s money and maybe, just maybe, your future inheritance — is being spent correctly, or, well, being mis-spent? You need guardian lawyers Florida to comply with theGuardianship Code and Chapter 744 of Florida Statutes and you need, after all, a guardian, many times a profesional, third party, who is independent & objective from all family members like 2nd husbands or wives and adult step children. So, what can you learn from a recent, November 25 2015 Florida guardianship appeal issued by the 2nd DCA which you can read at this link:,%202015/2D13-5840.pdf. The case is Lutherna Services Florida, Inc. v. Dept of Children and Families, Case No 2D13-5840, 40 Fla. L. Weekly D 2641.