Billionaire Inheritance Dispute: Co-Owner of Philadelphia Phillies Ends Up in Probate Court, Learn Why

It can be hard to determine whether or not a Florida probate litigation is a legitimate complaint or just a shakedown. Florida trust lawyers know what to look for. Are you concerned that family disputes are going to eat away at your inheritance in Delray Beach? Do you know how to defend against such an issue? You may want to check out some of the articles coming out about the billionaire co-owner of the Phillies who is in an inheritance dispute with his own sister.
Inheritance Disputes Can Get Ugly
- Estate lawyers in Florida know one thing that can be hard about an inheritance lawsuit is that it is almost always between family members.
- Any lawsuit can get heated, and so can any family fight.
- An inheritance dispute in West Palm Beach combines the two.
- Do you know how to defend your family fortune from distant relatives in a West Palm Beach lawsuit with a probate litigation attorney?
- Do you know how much an inheritance dispute is going to cost?
- The truth is time and cost of an inheritance lawsuit in West Palm Beach depends on a lot of things that you should discuss with a probate lawyer in Florida.
- For example how many parties are involved in the Florida probate litigation?
- How complex are the trusts that you are suing over?
- Was there a valid West Palm Beach will in place?
- These are the kind of questions you can expect from a West Palm Beach probate consultation.
- If you are considering filing in the West Palm Beach probate court you may want to check out this case going on in Pennsylvania around a billionaire and his sister’s inheritance fight.
Phillies Co-Owner Billionaire Inheritance Dispute
- John Middleton is a billionaire part owner of the Philadelphia Phillies professional sports team who probably had a team of probate litigation attorneys.
- Why is he showing up on the probate docket with family members who have estate lawyers in Florida?
- It all has to do with the sale of the family cigar company for 2.9 billion dollars.
- Middleton’s sister wants to overturn decades old family agreements in which she says that a family lawyer induced her to sign.
- She is asking the probate court to award her part of the Phillies, part of a family owned hotel-chain and the proceeds from the sale of the cigar company.
- Why is she so upset?
- What do you think her Probate attorneys Florida had to say about the matter?
- She wants access to the 200 million dollars held in trust for her benefit.
- Is this a family fight that belongs outside of court or a legitimate probate suit?
- Do you have a similar family struggle?
- Do you know how to bust open that trust and get paid in West Palm Beach?
Want to learn more about this billionaire probate dispute?
Check out the entire article about this probate fight by clicking here.
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