It is, to say the least, an uncomfortable motion for a probate litigation law firm Florida to file. What I am speaking about? Why, it’s a motion to disqualify the probate court judge. Some estate lawyers Palm Beach refer to it as a motion to recuse. Sometimes, not all the time, you will see these motions filed in atrust lawsuit or even a Palm Beach probate administration. Many times, you see one side in awill challenge Florida or will contest Boca Raton trying to get rid of the judge. Why? Well, if beneficiaries or heirs at law or step-sons, or step-daughters, are fighting mom or dad’ssecond spouse, or there is sibling rivalry, there is a lot on the legal line, right? And, sometimes, not all the time, if one of those parties to a probate Florida loses a motion, or anevidentiary hearing, they feel, well, down. And instead of focussing on the facts, or discovery, or trial strategy, or setting depositions, they improperly get mad at the probate judge. Is this right? Is this what serious trial lawyers do? (No….)