Are you in the middle of a Florida probate dispute? Is your probate lawyer speaking to you about settling your lawsuit?
Are you in the middle of a Florida probate dispute? Is your probate lawyer speaking to you about settling your lawsuit?
Has a Florida will been submitted to probate which you believe is invalid? Do you want to bring an estate lawsuit, or a probate lawsuit, in a Florida probate court attacking the validity of that Florida will?
One of the great things about international travel is discovery. Not only of new sights and sounds, but perspective. Sure, landmarks, architecture, culture, beaches and beauty, museums and mountains are why we all travel abroad. But when you are there, you also get a first hand for what they are thinking and investing in, easier than on the internet.
Not happy with what the will says? Maybe your mom or your dad died, and left a will which disposes of their estate. Maybe you didn’t get anything. No inheritance for you. Or maybe you got a lot less than you expected. Perhaps, you’re simply jealous that your brother or sister got more than you did.
Did you read that great tip in today’s business section? I’m buying that retail stock before the start of the Xmas season and I’m dumping it on December 26th !
Your mother is in her 80’s, and while still sharp, you know she is slowing down. Well, at least you think you do. While you don’t see her often, you hear it on the phone. Actually, you don’t call often, but when you do, you think that mom is getting older quicker. You don’t see this firsthand because you don’t visit, even though mom lives in a very nice condo near the beach in Boca Raton, Florida and she’s asked you to visit many times.
Your parents are dead and you wondering where all the money went. Your mom and dad lived in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida in a house that’s worth $800,000. Dad was an executive who you believe had lots of life insurance and a huge retirement account. Mom and dad lived lavishly, but how much could they really spend in retirement?
What is an inheritance lawsuit? If someone you know has passed away, or just died, like a mom or a dad, maybe an aunt who retired to Florida, that person had a Florida estate. That Florida citizen had property which passes or “goes to” his or her chosen beneficiaries. Sometimes that money or property is inherited quickly and easily. One example is a Florida joint bank account, or a life insurance policy on the life of the dead Florida resident. You get a death certificate to the bank or the insurance company, and proof of who you are, present your ID, and the money is yours, right?
Are you ready for the greatest transfer of wealth in human kind? Baby Boomers and Gens X or Y take note: your parents or grandparents, the WWII generation, are leaving $41 Trillion in wealth to you! And it’s going on right now.
Are you involved in an estate lawsuit in Florida? Ready for your Florida probate trial? If so, are you prepared for trial and ready to testify?