In late 2016, the world was rocked and saddened by the passing of not only one screen icon, Carrie Fisher, but also her mother, actress Debbie Reynolds. What can you learn from these “quick” deaths as you plan your own estate?Yes, family can “go” quickly after the loss of a loved one, estate planning attorneys reveal. But, often, this is most common with long, close marriages of spouses who are in advanced years. When one spouse passes, it is not surprising that, many times, but not all the time, the surviving spouse or widow, passes within a year or so. In the case of the Star Wars princess, Fisher, and her mother, Debbie Reynolds, however, this was mother-daughter, not spouses. This quick succession of death in a family can cause people who are planning their estates to take pause.After all, this was not a case of two long-married spouses. And this was not the case of the surviving spouse passing away in the following year. This was mother-daughter and days.