Woman Leaves a Million to Charities But FORGETS to Leave Money for Her Own Burial! The Crazy Part? The Charities Will Not Foot the Bill!
Besides fear of rampant Florida probate litigation do you want another reason for a good Florida estate plan?Florida trust lawyers know that a good estate plan is about preparing for the future. Check out this recent story out of Italy where poor planning led to a woman’s entire estate going to charity and there not even being enough money to bury her! Now as she sits in the morgue the family wishes that they had estate lawyers to help.
Planning for the Future
- Estate lawyers in Florida help you plan for the inevitable and that is what a good estate plan is all about.
- Probate litigation attorneys know that everyone is going to die, the question is what is going to happen after that?
- You may want to set up a family trust, you may want it all to go to charity – that is up to you.
- Either way though you should have a Florida estate lawyer helping you.
- Probate attorneys Florida understand that you may not want to spend the money upfront, it may sound like a waste.
- Trust me it is far from a waste to plan properly.
- What is the old saying, if you are going to do something it is worth doing it right.
- An estate plan is no different.
- Want to see what happens when you skip on paying the Florida estate attorneys?
- You could end up like this former Italian teacher who donated close to a million in charity but forgot to leave money for her burial!
Tragedy in Italian Morgue
- An Italian teacher’s body is being kept in a morgue in Pisa after she forgot to leave money for her burial.
- The operative word here is forgot, she was by no means short on money.
- The woman left almost one million dollars (800k euros) to different universities and schools.
- Now two different animal rights organizations and a university have got a near million dollar inheritance to share.
- Guess what? The donor is still sitting at the morgue.
- The worst part?
- The charities and universities are not willing to donate any money to help bury their benefactor!
- This is why you need a good estate plan!
Want to learn more?
Check out this recent article.
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