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Trust Beneficiaries’ Radar: trusting your gut when you know something is wrong with your Florida Trust

Uncategorized Jun 9, 2014
post about Trust Beneficiaries’ Radar: trusting your gut when you know something is wrong with your Florida Trust

Q: Got a sense that something is not right with your Palm Beach trust?

A: “Trust your gut”, say most probate litigation law firms.

  • With that said, trust beneficiaries who are conspiracy theorists and see their trustees as evil: get a life.
  • Trust beneficiaries: you must discern between asking good, reasonable questions about the administration of a Palm Beach trust, and the actions and in-actions of your trustee…..vs…..seeing only “bad” things which a trustee does.
  • Why do I say that? Here’s why? At our West Palm Beach probate litigation law firm, we get a lot of calls from trust beneficiaries who are upset with their trustees. They are frustrated.

Why Are You Angry  with the Palm Beach Trust ?

  • In many cases, the beneficiaries are not per se angry with some particular action of a trustee………….they are mad that their Palm Beach inheritance is in trust.
  • Mad that dad or mom didn’t leave you a large inheritance outright?
  • Don’t like having to ask a Boca Raton trustee for money? Well, that’s what mom or dad wanted. And there’s nothing you can do, right? (Or ……….is there?)
  • So, let’s close this discussion of Palm Beach trust commentary with the following:

Trust Your Gut If You Believe Something is Wrong with Your Trustee

  • If you believe that something doesn’t jive: trust your gut.
  • If your trust beneficiary “radar” is going off and causing you some concern, take steps.
  • Wondering where the money is and the trustee won’t tell you? Act !
  • If the trustee is keeping secrets: act !
  • If the trustee of the Delray Beach trust won’t tell you why $$ left the trust and where it went….those are good questions.

2014-06-06 Radars on US Naval ShipTips for Frustrated Palm Beach Trust Beneficiaries

  1. In the end, be sensible & reasonable.
  2. Trust your gut and look at what pops up on your radar.
  3. But if you are a control freak or one who sees evil everywhere, re-think and re-consider. Oh yes….
  4. And if you get something in writing from the Palm Beach Gardens Trustee, be mindful of the 6 month statute of limitations hidden in the “trust disclosure” document and the Florida Trust Code.