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Text or email reminders now available for CourtCall Appearances

Uncategorized Mar 9, 2018
post about Text or email reminders now available for CourtCall Appearances

Are you a West Palm Beach probate lawyer or guardianship attorney? As a litigation lawyer in Orlando, do you frequently rely on calendars and reminders? Do you utilize CourtCall to attend hearings? You may want to learn more about a new feature that CourtCall is offering.

As Florida trust lawyers, we know the importance of staying organized and prepared, especially when it comes to representing our clients in court. CourtCall allows lawyers to easily attend hearings via telephone. They are now offering text or email reminders. These reminders can be sent straight to your computer or cell phone. Pankauski Hauser represents clients throughout Florida so appearing telephonically is sometimes the most convenient way. To learn more about the new feature, contact CourtCall.