Family members inherit if there is Florida intestacy. But understanding how much you inherit, and how you inherit, are both important. You may get more than you expect! But, remember: there is no will ! Understanding Florida Intestacy OK, here are the 5 main points that you need to know about Florida intestacy. And, to read or learn more about this Florida inheritance topic, there is a list of resources at the end of this blog. No will !! Intestacy means that the probate administration of a deceased Florida resident’s estate is done according to the Florida Probate Laws on intestacy. The estate will be administered as an “intestate” estate. There is no will. So, any “interested” person can ask the probate judge to “run” or administer the estate. Any property which is not disposed of by a will “goes” according to those special Florida intestacy laws. Family inherits— including short term 2nd spouses. (see next bullet point). Who inherits in a Florida Intestacy? Family members do. What the statute or law calls “descendants”. Like the spouse and the children. For children’s share, see Florida Probate Law 731.103. For the spouse’s share, see 731.102. And these inheritance rights are NOT limited to minor children. ADULT children inherit under the Florida intestacy laws. What if a child is dead? If a deceased child leaves children or grandchildren, those family members inherit the deceased child’s share. Or, it goes to the estate of the deceased child. (It depends when the child passed). […]