Mandatory Reading for Florida Trustees: get rid of your money manager for index funds or ETFs?

Every Florida trustee should read two recent articles by Dow Jones. Why?
Things a Florida Trustee or Executor of a Will Need to Know About Investments
- Your duties as a Florida trustee of an irrevocable trust require you to keep up to date.
- Florida’s prudent investor rule for trustees of family trusts and executors of Florida wills require you to have an “investment strategy.”
- It’s your job to diversify the portfolio, try to save your beneficiaries money, and invest trust funds and estate money prudently.
Should a Trustee Invest in Index Funds and ETF’s (Exchange Traded Funds) ?
- Last week Barron’s had an excellent piece on exchange traded funds which you should read.
- This week, the Wall Street Journal’s Jason Zweig rights an insightful piece on whether active money management is “done”
- Does this mean that Florida trustees & Florida personal representatives should invest in low cost index funds, like at Vanguard or Fidelity, or ETF’s?
- The Florida prudent investor rule suggests that is something which you should consider.
Here is the link to the Wall Street Journal article by Jason Zweig.
Jason Zweig is a fantastic writer who I enjoy reading each and every week on Saturdays in the Wall Street Journal. Jason Zweig writes about investing and finance in a straight forward, no-nonsense way from which I always learn something.