How to Remove a Florida Trustee

Listen up Florida trust beneficiaries. What is the most common question that a Florida trust litigation lawyer gets? Well, it is most probably about how to remove a Florida trustee. So, if you are a trust beneficiary, here is a guide to removing your Florida trustee. And it’s straight from the mouth of one of Florida’s most experienced trust trial attorneys, as well. Read on.

Trustee Removal in Florida — the steps
“If you want to remove a Florida trustee” starts trust litigator John Pankauski “You need to realize that it will be a trial.” What Pankauski means is that evidence is required in a court of law. And Pankauski should know. He is the Managing Member of an elite trust litigation law firm that also handles Florida trust appeals. He suggests you read as much as you can about Florida Trust Law. If you’d like to see a FREE VIDEO of removing a trustee based upon FITNESS, then click THIS LINK. To see a FREE FLORIDA TRUST VIDEO on trustees stealing from Florida Trusts, CLICK HERE.
The 1 Law You Need to Know
Florida law has a specific statute on how to remove a Florida trustee. The Florida trustee removal law is 736.0706. You can read about the circumstances which should exist to remove your trustee. And, Pankauski reminds us, “Get ready for a trial.” After all, removing a trustee requires evidence. So, Pankauski tells us, get your witnesses lined up and assemble all the documentary evidence you need to win your trust case. Looking for a trust lawyer? Pankauski has a caution: “Be careful of trust lawyers who say they ‘go to court all the time’ but actually don’t do trials” . Want to read more about beneficiary rights and removal of your trustee? A June 3, 2020 decision from the 3rd District Court of Appeal is available to read for free. The Appeals Court for Miami-Dade wrote about 736.0706, and trustee removal. This trust opinion gives beneficiaries great insight if you are contemplating a trust appeal. Finally, Pankauski is the Florida lawyer who actually wrote the book on trustees, available on