How does a Special Needs Trust Work in West Palm Beach?

Are you or someone you love getting disability benefits through the government? Are you about to get aninheritance? You may need to consider a special needs trust or you could risk losing your entitlements. Do you know what a special needs trust can accomplish in West Palm Beach? You may want to learn about this recent case in London where a man is losing his entitlements (and facing an English probate court) because he failed to declare his inheritance.
Right to Entitlements
- If you are getting entitlements, disability income or social security payments in West Palm Beach, listen up.
- Your entitlements are contingent on your assets.
- Not just how much you are making in wages and work, etc.
- So if you get a large inheritance you could lose your right to keep getting entitlements.
- Is there any solution to this in West Palm Beach?
Special Needs Trusts
- Luckily for you there are solutions to this problem.
- The West Palm Beach probate courts and others have long recognized the importance of a so called special needs trust.
- These are drafted by Palm Beach trust lawyers in a special way so that the trust funds are not considered an asset for the individual.
- Do you see why this is so important?
- It keeps the entitlements coming.
Man in England Ends up With a Jail Sentence for an Inheritance
- A 33 year old man in England ended up with a suspended jail sentence after getting an inheritance!
- Investigators discovered he had received an inheritance that he had not disclosed to the agency in charge of entitlements.
- The truth is that a good probate lawyer may have been able to help this guy, a lot.
- He may have been eligible for a special needs trust so that he could quite literally, have his cake and eat it too.
- Are you subject to entitlement rules that measure your assets?
- Talk to an experienced Palm Beach probate litigator today to discover whether or not a special needs trust is right for you or a loved one.
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