FRANCE GRAPPLES WITH HEALTH CARE DECISIONS…. Who gets to decide end of life?

The International New York Times recently reported on a French doctor who was acquitted of ending the life of a dying patient. The doctor supposedly made the decision to terminate the patient’s life without consulting…with anyone.
Florida residents, indeed Americans, must find this outrageous. In Florida, euthanasia is outlawed. But Florida probate law does permit you to have someone make health care decisions for you. Florida estate lawyers and elder lawyers are always drafting wills, revocable trusts, and health care documents.
In Florida, you can have documents which empower someone to make health care decisions for you if you can’t. Sometimes these estate planning documents are referred to by such terms as health care documents, or medical durable power of attorney, health care proxy, advanced heath care directive. This is serious stuff.
Doctors and hospitals, and Florida probate lawyers, also want to know if you have a DNR (do not resuscitate) document or living will, which sets forth your desires and intent if you are not able to sustain yourself. Do you want to live if you are in a persistent vegetative state (as the Florida law defines that term)?
This article about a French doctor who was charged with killing seven – 7! -patients is extreme. He acted without consultation from other doctors, nurses, or the dying patients’ families. Wow.