Florida Temporary Restraining Orders and Monetary Damages

When can you freeze an account or get an injunction over financial assets? Are you involved in probate litigation involving estates, Palm Beach inheritances and/or trusts? Has a trustee, or someone who had access to someone’s money, misused a power of attorney or improperly taken money? When a trustee or POA is accused of wrongly taking money, one issue always come up. The beneficiaries or interested people always want to know if the money or bank accounts can be frozen. Can you get a temporary restraining order or injunction against someone you believe has improperly taken money? You should talk to your Florida probate litigation attorney about whether you can get an injunction on financial l accounts. Usually, you need irreparable harm as an element to get injunctive relief. Losing money is not generally considered to be irreparable harm. This is because you can quantify the damages and get monetary damages at the end of the trial. Read Bautista v. ARR Investments, a July 19,2017 4th DCA opinion, to learn more.