Florida Inheritance Cases: Undue Influence and Temporary Injunctions

Do you suspect that your mom or dad is being taken advantage of by a caretaker or neighbor? Has someone obtained, by exercising undue influence, a POA from your elderly relative? How can a temporary injunction help you in an undue influence case? When should your West Palm Beach probate lawyer file a petition for temporary injunction? You may want to read a November 21,2018 Fourth DCA opinion, Maldonado v. Buchsbaum.
Here, the personal representative or executor filed a petition for a temporary injunction against decedent’s home health aide, who allegedly exercised undue influence over the decedent. The temporary injunction was to prevent the aide from taking estate assets, destroying financial documents of the estate and representing to others that she was the sole beneficiary of the estate. To read the entire opinion click here.