Florida Guardianships: Does the Son of a Ward Automatically Have Standing?

What is a Florida guardianship? Who is an “interested person” in guardianship litigation? Does simply being next of kin confer “interested person” status in a Florida guardianship? If your parent is the Ward in a Florida guardianship , and you are interested in filing a petition in his or her guardianship, you should hire an experienced West Palm Beach guardianship lawyer. In addition, you may want to read Hernandez v. Hernandez.
Hernandez v. Hernandez is a September 6,2017 Third DCA opinion. Here, one of the sons of the Ward was found to lack standing to object to court orders authorizing the payment of attorneys fees from Ward’s assets. The reason the son was not considered an interested person with standing to be heard or contest the attorneys fees was because the fees requested were caused by his own “alleged mistreatment of the Ward and misappropriation of the funds. The Florida appellate court in this case also discusses how simply being the child of the Ward is not enough to confer “interested person” status If you would like to interview a Palm Beach guardianship attorney, free of charge, call (561)514-0900 ext.101.
To read the entire case, click here.