Estate Planning is no laughing matter. What we can learn from Joan Rivers’ estate…

Before Joan Rivers passed away she planned ahead by working with qualified probate and estate planning attorneys (West Palm Beach) to create a family trust.
- West Palm Beach Probate litigation attorneys know that creating a trust to which one can transfer their assets is a clever and time-saving method of estate planning.
- When Joan Rivers created the trust, any assets that she transferred into her trust during her life would not have to pass through probate court or be part of the probate process.
As such, when the executors are ultimately required to file a form listing the assets of Joan’s estate, those assets likely will be less (and probably much less) than the true value of all of her property and money, including what was already funded into the trust.
- Florida Estate Planning Attorneys (Delray Beach) know that when people work with experienced estate planning attorneys (Broward, West Palm Beach) and make proper use of wills and trusts — including updating them when wishes change or when life events happen — it makes the entire process much simpler, more cost effective, and private than when the proper planning isn’t done.
- It also greatly reduces the chances of a family estate fight.
- Whatever your personal views of Joan Rivers’ sense of humor happen to be, you should give her credit for having the good business sense to plan her estate the right way.
- You can read more about Joan’s estate here:
See for videos and information on Probate Law, Estate Planning, and Estate Administration.