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Can a Palm Beach Judge Order a Probate Lawyer to Testify Against a Former Client?

Uncategorized Jul 11, 2016
post about Can a Palm Beach Judge Order a Probate Lawyer to Testify Against a Former Client?

When does an attorney-client privilege arise to protect supposedly confidential communications between you and your Palm Beach probate litigator ? If I contact a probate litigator West Palm Beach about an inheritance matter in Florida, is my conversation protected? Will the conversations between my trust and estates attorney Jupiter and I be kept confidential? Can a judge make my appellate attorney West Palm Beach testify against me?

Attorney-Client Privilege in Florida Trust and Estate Litigation

      • Palm Beach estate planning attorneys in Florida are contacted frequently by a family members wishing to contest a will or to ensure that they obtain an inheritance.
      • What happens if you speak to a probate lawyer Miami but don’t hire them?
      • Are the communications still privileged?
      • Does the attorney-client privilege still exist if someone speaks with a trust and estate lawyer Boynton Beach about their probate matter but the lawyer decides not to take their case?
      • Can someone testify about what you spoke to the Florida probate lawyer about?
      • Can a Palm Beach judge order a guardianship lawyer to testify at a probate trial against a client?

Can a lawyer be ordered to testify about a client?

    • A June 8, 2016 New York Times article discusses a tax evasion case involving a 71 year old man named Mr. Zuckerman.
    • Mr. Zukerman allegedly “failed to report a profit from the sale of an oil company that would have generated $31 million in income taxes and misled his accountants and lawyers in the course of an I.R.S. audit.”
    • This article discusses the crime-fraud exception to the attorney-client privilege.
    • What is this exception?
    • How does it affect the relationship you have with your guardianship trial lawyer Fort Lauderdale?
    • To read the entire article, click here.