Here’s an inheritance story that you don’t need Palm Beach probate litigation firms for.
Here’s an inheritance story that you don’t need Palm Beach probate litigation firms for.
Florida probate lawyers will have new and more concise probate law before year end. Florida probate law involving creditors claims and claims against a Florida estate will be clarified when the Florida Supreme Court decides the Golden v. Jones case.
“Dad loved you more!”…. or something like that. This is a case of a sister who inherited less than the other brother under their dad’s will…..so……..guess what happens? The sister who received less under the 2010 will sues her brother after dad dies. For undue influence.
Here’s a current trust case where the bank served as trustee of a family trust for 49 years …………….and then got sued ! Q: Why read this?
See, Florida trust attorneys are not the only ones who are asked by trust beneficiaries to try to change the family trust. A recent, June 17, 2014 opinion on an undue influence case from Connecticut shows that other regions of the US , and other families and heirs, are involved in Probate Litigation and inheritance fights. As you might read, if you don’t have good facts or good trust law, the road to a trust inheritance can be a steep climb.
Want to read about what families are suing each other over in America outside of Florida probate litigation circles?
Are un-equal inheritances fair? Does it matter? If you are inheriting from a Florida probate or estate, you may want want to read a recent commentary on un equal inheritances by New York probate lawyer Henry Koslowski. Henry Klosowski is partner and chair of the trusts and estates practice group at Moritt Hock & Hamroff, a law firm with offices in Garden City, N.Y. and Manhattan. His commentary is excellent and a must-read for heirs, family members and even trust and estate attorneys.
In Florida, elder abuse & financial exploitation is serious business. Florida probate lawyers and elder law attorneys know that their clients can fall victim to usavory characters. There is an excellent , recent, article about “Protecting the Elderly from Financial Exploitation” by Florida probate lawyer R. Craig Harrison, who is Board Certified in Wills, Trusts & Estates.
Can you inherit from a Florida estate if you cause someone’s death? The so-called slayer statute, found in the Florida Probate Code, is not limited to murder only.
In Florida probate litigation, costs and attorneys fees can add up. That’s why many experienced Florida probate lawyers want parties to a Florida probate lawsuit to consider your fees and costs when engaging in Palm Beach County probate litigation.