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Yearly Archives: 2014

Boca Raton, Florida Elder Law Litigation Seminar

Uncategorized Sep 4, 2014
post about Boca Raton, Florida Elder Law Litigation Seminar

Florida probate lawyers in Palm Beach County know that guardianship lawsuits seem to be rising.  Adult children from Boca Raton, Florida waging guardianship lawsuits with Jupiter, Florida step-mothers and step-fathers over a failing — or maybe not — mother or father.


Are Florida Probate Lawyers Ready to Advise Clients on End of Life Probate Matters?

Uncategorized Sep 4, 2014
post about Are Florida Probate Lawyers Ready to Advise Clients on End of Life Probate Matters?

SEPTEMBER 4, 2014–  There was an interesting article in the International New York Times recently about doctors speaking to, and advising, patients about end of life matters and procedures.  Are insurance companies paying for this?  Is the US actually confronting death and talking about it?  …. a marked change from past presidential politics discussing “death panels” ?  Are probate lawyers in Florida ready to advise clients on the probate issues &  guardianship matters with end of life planning?


Palm Beach Trust Litigation: A Trustee’s Best Friends– 8 Affirmative Defenses to Protect a Trustee in a Beneficiary Lawsuit

Uncategorized Sep 1, 2014
post about Palm Beach Trust Litigation: A Trustee’s Best Friends– 8 Affirmative Defenses to Protect a Trustee in a Beneficiary Lawsuit

Let’s say that you are a Florida trustee under a trust and that a beneficiary has sued you.   Before the trust lawsuit seems like a long walk off a short pier, calm down and think again.  Wait.   Evaluate.  Consider.   Here are 8 defenses which Palm Beach trust law firms use to defend you, or, rather, may use to defend you and protect you, the Florida trustee.