Beneficiary Rights in Florida Estates & Trusts If you are a beneficiary of a Florida estate or trust, you have many, many rights. Finding out what rights you have is not the problem: never the problem. Figuring out what to do if those rights have been violated…well, that may be a challenge for some beneficiaries. Why? Well, most beneficiaries of estate and trusts are “civilians”: they are not used to making demands, suing people, bringing counter claims, setting depositions and conducting investigations into learning what is happening to your money, trust or inheritance. That’s were a strong, experienced, and confident probate litigator in Florida can come in. Often, beneficiaries don’t realize all that they are entitled to. Beneficiaries are entitled to know where the money is, who is handling the money, what the money is being spent on and where the money is going. For beneficiaries of estates or probates, you can refer to the Florida Probate Code. What duties does a personal representative of an estate owe you? Consider reading this. For beneficiaries of Florida Trusts, consider reading the Florida Trust Code. For a “laundry list” of the duties which a Florida trustee owes to a trust beneficiary, consider reading this summary. At the opening of a probate, a beneficiary has a right to be given notice and information regarding the estate administration and the appointing of a personal representative. If the estate is testate (i.e., there is a will) and the person who is seeking appointment as the […]
Florida beneficiaries have many rights to a Florida estate When I talk with lawyers in my firm about administering in a state or handling of Florida today and the beneficiary rights. One important things we always talk about is the fiduciary duties of executor of the Florida estate, what we call a personal representative. They have a duty to be fair, they have a duty to act in good faith and they have to place the interest of the beneficiaries and anyone who is interested in a Florida estate but everyone else who is including their own they need to administer the state fairly. Now understanding what all these obligations are and understanding who’s an interested person in an estate, is something your estate lawyer can tell you about.
If you are the beneficiary of an estate or a trust, you are granted many different rights under Florida estate law. It can be difficult to fully understand exactly what these rights are or if they are being violated, but Pankauski Lazarus PLLC can help. As one of the state’s premier trust and estate litigation firms, we have a deep understanding of the protections that Florida law provides to beneficiaries. We help clients understand their rights and then pursue claims against trustees and executors who violate their obligations. We are often in court, utilizing the advanced trial and appellate techniques that we have developed by being a firm dedicated solely to estate, probate and trust litigation. Our goals are to make you feel confident in the representation you receive and to resolve your case as efficiently and favorably as possible for you. Breach Of Fiduciary Duty: Florida Attorneys While every situation is different, there are many questions that commonly arise in probate and estate disputes involving beneficiaries. Some of the questions we routinely advise our clients on include: · What can I do if the trustee will not distribute assets to me? · The trustee took money for himself. Do I have any options? · Do I have any rights if the trustee will not tell me where the money in a trust went? These and other questions related to trustee breach, fraud, theft and other acts of trustees and executors often arise under many different circumstances. Similar issues may […]
If you are complaining that there is a Family Trust out there, or a trust just for your benefit…..problem is….. you are not being told anything…..How do you get a copy of the Florida trust?
Let me guess: you are a named beneficiary under a Florida will and you are now receiving a lot of “stuff” in the mail: probate court documents which you don’t understand, which require you to sign a return receipt card, so everyone knows that you got a copy of the Florida probate document. Do you know what your beneficiary rights to the Florida Estate are? Consider watching a new, short, free online video about beneficiary rights to Florida estates:
Can a trust beneficiary lose his interest in a trust if they file for bankruptcy? This issue was discussed in a trust case out of Massachusetts which was actually a federal bankruptcy case. The case dealt with irrevocable trust issues and bankruptcy issues which many Florida trust lawyers grapple with, including:
Q: Trust beneficiaries: do you know what to look for? In Palm Beach or Broward trust accountings. Under the Florida Trust Code. …. Do you know what you are ENTITLTED to? Do you know what information you MIGHT get?
If you are a beneficiary of a Florida trust, you should know your rights. Most trust beneficiaries know some of their rights. For example, most beneficiaries realize that they are entitled to trust accountings. What else are beneficiaries entitled to?