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What do Florida Probate Lawyers Need to Know About the “Two-Dismissal Rule” in Florida Courts?

Uncategorized Jul 1, 2016
post about What do Florida Probate Lawyers Need to Know About the “Two-Dismissal Rule” in Florida Courts?

Do you know what the two dismissal rule is in Florida probate court? You may have a chance to withdraw a claim voluntarily to amend and fix the technicalities, but more than once could lead to an “adjudication on the merits.” What does that mean? Check out this recent case out of the Fourth District Court of Appeals to learn more about your rights to amend in Florida probate litigation.


Who Can Read my Facebook Messages When I Die?

Uncategorized Jun 25, 2016
post about Who Can Read my Facebook Messages When I Die?

Can someone read your Facebook messages just because you are involved in a Florida estate lawsuit? Can they search through your Ipad pictures? Would my mom be able to gain access to my person emails? How does the probate court in Florida decide whether searching through your private digital communications is necessary? What happens if a probate judge orders your laptop to be searched? If you are involved in trust and estate litigation, and someone is trying to conduct discovery of your digital assets, you will want to read this.


Can the Saints/Pelicans Owner Leave Nothing to his Daughter?

Uncategorized Jun 6, 2016
post about Can the Saints/Pelicans Owner Leave Nothing to his Daughter?

Is your dad trying to leave you nothing in his Florida trust or Palm Beach will? According to Florida law, can he do this? How is it fair that my dad’s third or fourth wife is inheriting everything? What are my rights as his child to his Palm Beach estate? What is undue influence in a Florida trust or estate lawsuit? Probate lawyers in West Palm Beach know that inheritance changes can result in lawsuits between family members.You may want to read about Tom Benson, owner of the Saints and Pelicans, legal battles with his daughter and grandchildren.