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Undue Influence, Estates, & Dementia: Monty Python Star, Terry Jones, has Dementia

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2016
post about Undue Influence, Estates, & Dementia: Monty Python Star, Terry Jones, has Dementia

How can having a valid estate plan prove beneficial to someone with dementia? Don’t estate plans only affect me when I die? What do Florida probate litigators know about dementia and undue influence? Can you create a valid will after your doctor tells you that you have Dementia or Alzheimer’s? Can you amend your Florida trust or will even though you have severe dementia and are being influenced by a family member?

Florida Estates and Mental Illness

  • In cases where mental illness is an issue, a good estate plan should  focus on health related issues.
  • What does this mean?
  • West Palm Beach estate planning attorneys can tell you that an estate plan can include health documents.
  • Who’s going to make health care decisions for you if you no longer cannot make them for yourself?
  • Is there a power of attorney to assist with simple things like paying your taxes and bills?
  • Is there a power of attorney to assist you with personal things like getting your prescriptions and getting you to the doctors?
  • Do you have a living will expressing your desire if you are or have to be sustained on life support or by artificial means?
  • If there were to be a guardianship, who would you want to be your guardian or conservator?
  • Does the health care proxy or medical durable power of attorney jive with the rest of your plan? Are they up to date?
  • Are your fiduciaries all lined up and ready to go ?
  • Probate litigators know that money is important, for sure, but so is one’s mental and physical well being.
  • You can plan for your health, just like wealth, taxes, and trusts.

Terry Jones Has Dementia

  • According to a September 23, 2016 New York Times article, Terry Jones has dementia.
  • Terry Jones is best known for being an “original member of Monty Python”.
  • The article states that Jone’s dementia is affecting his ability to communicate.
  • Did he have a proper estate plan in place?
  • Who is his power of attorney, helping him to communicate and do daily tasks?
  • Does he have a guardian or will he need one?
  • To read the entire New York Times article discussing his illness, click here.