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The Rule of Law = Backbone to Our Freedoms ?

Uncategorized Jul 4, 2014
post about The Rule of Law = Backbone to Our Freedoms ?

On Independence Day, July 4, 2014, let’s not forget that much of our freedom continues to be upheld by our impartial judges and the lawyers who fight everday on behalf of clients.

Giving clients the opportunity to be heard, and a fair and impartial trial or hearing, are what others across the globe desire and fight and die for.

We get that everday in our courts of law.

Although we are not Constitutional lawyers or freedom fighters at our West Palm Beach probate firm, we provide clients with an opportunity to make their case before an objective, independent third party — our judges.  How the scales of justice are tipped often depends on the facts which neither the judges or lawyers had any involvement with.  We simply apply the law.