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Tag: #revokeprobate

How to Revoke Probate in Florida

FAQs Sep 12, 2021
post about How to Revoke Probate in Florida

How to revoke probate in Florida may be the key to getting your inheritance. Regrettably, in some cases of undue influence and probate fraud, it’s your only option. If a probate was “opened“, you will need to take action if you want to preserve your rights. And fight back. Knowing where such a petition fits in with you trying to get your inheritance is key to your success. Understanding the Probate Process in Florida In Florida, when you die, there are special rules for what happens to your property. Specific procedures that need to be followed. For example, most beneficiaries don’t know that all creditors and estate (probate) expenses are paid first ! Before a beneficiary sees a dime ! First, your assets should be gathered. This process is also known as “marshalling” your assets. Non probate assets, so called “will substitutes” like joint accounts, generally go to the survivor. But not always. Knowing when such an asset should come back to probate is often heavily litigated. So much for “avoiding” probate with joint tenancy, right? Second, all debts of the decedent need to be paid. Mortgage? IRS? Borrowings; last electric bill; cable bill, etc. You get the point. Then expenses of administration need to be paid. Including the probate lawyer ! Court documents need to be filed in the probate court and interested persons need to receive notice. What if the will that is on file is wrong? What if the petition for administration was granted and you think […]


Petition to Revoke Probate Florida

Probate Information Sep 8, 2021
post about Petition to Revoke Probate Florida

A Petition to Revoke Probate Florida may be your only way to get an inheritance if it was taken from you improperly. If an invalid or suspicious will was presented to probate, you just might have a will contest on your hands. Do you know how to enforce your inheritance rights? Understanding the Probate Process The Florida Probate Process is, in once sense, straightforward. You gather all the deceased Florida resident’s assets, pay her last expenses and bills, and then distribute what’s left over to the beneficiaries. But determining beneficiaries may be more of a challenge than one believes. If there is no will, then the HEIRS inherit under what’s called “Intestacy.” If there is a valid will, then the property goes to the will beneficiaries. A Petition to Revoke Probate Florida is a court filed document in the probate court. (It’s explained in more detail below). If there are multiple wills, a court will determine which one is valid. In that case, the will signing becomes very important, as well as the person’s mental health. Finally, the facts and circumstances of how a will came to be signed are important. Was there undue influence or fraud? To see videos on will challenges and undue influence for free, CLICK HERE. Reading the Florida Probate Laws + Rules The good news is that you may learn a lot about the Florida Probate process quickly, easily and free of charge. Listen up Heirs, children, grandchildren and adopted kids ! The Florida intestacy […]