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Tag: #probateappealsattorneysfees

Probate Appeals Attorneys Fees

FAQs • Oct 10, 2021
post about Probate Appeals Attorneys Fees

An October, 2021 probate appellate opinion reminds you about probate appeals. Can you get attorneys fees for a probate appeal? Sure ! But don’t ask the appellate court. Here is your key to getting probate appeals attorneys fees in Florida. This is particularly important if you are involved in a will contest or an undue influence case. 3 Things You Need to Read OK, so you are involved in a probate appeal. Hopefully, you had an appellate specialist at your trial. That way, you are prepared for any potential appeal. Whether you lose or win. Remember: if you WIN, the other side can appeal. One issue that you have to consider is: are you going to file a cross-appeal? And, remember, the worst time to think about an appeal is AFTER your probate trial. You need to think about an appeal BEFORE (and at) your estate trial. But, I’m sure that your Florida probate lawyer already explained all of this to you, right? So, you need to read three things when considering Probate Appeals Attorneys Fees. First, read the Florida Probate Code and determine what statute you are going to seek fees under. In Florida, we follow the “American rule”. You only get attorneys fees if you have a statute or a contract. That’s right, you can’t just “ask for” fees. You need authority. [ Hint: start by reading 733.106 and 733.609 depending on your case. ] 2nd, read the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure so you know how to […]