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Tag: #creditorsclaimflorida

Statute of NonClaim — creditors claims in Florida Estates

In the News • Nov 30, 2021
post about Statute of NonClaim — creditors claims in Florida Estates

If you are owed anything from a dead person in Florida, file a statement of claim absolutely no later than 2 years after the date of death. Wow, that’s an earful. A November 24, 2021 Florida Appellate Opinion on estate claims reminds us about Florida’s Statute of Nonclaim. And why you need to file a statement of claim ASAP in a Florida probate. To read more about creditors claims in Florida estates or probates, you can click HERE. Claims in a Florida Probate If you are owed anything from someone who dies, you need to open a probate. And make your claim ! If a probate is opened, that saves you a step! Now, you need to file a timely statement of claim. (If you don’t want to open a probate, consider filing a CAVEAT. But be careful of the 2 years time frame.) If you lent money to a person who is now deceased, break out the loan agreement. It probably has a provision on what to do if the borrower dies. But money lent or loans are just one example of a claim that must be filed in a probate in Florida. If you have rights under a prenup, a contract, or an operating agreement, like a Florida LLC, you need to file a statement of claim. And the law limits how much time you have to do that. If you don’t file your claim properly and timely, you are out of luck. For a free Florida probate […]