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What are my rights to the probate estate? new video on Florida probate for beneficiaries

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2014
post about What are my rights to the probate estate? new video on Florida probate for beneficiaries

What are my rights to a Florida estate?  This question may linger if you just lost a loved one such as a father or mother who lived in Boca Raton, Florida.  Or, perhaps you had a rich aunt from Delray Beach or an uncle who retired to Jupiter, Florida.  They mentioned to you that you receive an inheritancebut you are not sure if you really inherit, or understand the difference between the probate estate and this so called revocable trust.   A lot of court filed documents start showing up in the mail and you wonder: 


Can a Caregiver Receive a Deed or Gift? Trustee Sues Caregiver Over Deed Prepared by Caregiver– October 23, 2014 Elder Abuse Cali Case

Uncategorized Oct 25, 2014
post about Can a Caregiver Receive a Deed or Gift? Trustee Sues Caregiver Over Deed Prepared by Caregiver– October 23, 2014 Elder Abuse Cali Case

Can a caregiver receive a gift from a client? SHOULD a caregiver write a deed  that gives her the house and have her client sign it?  If you are interested in Probate Litigation issues involving financial exploitation, financial abuse and elder abuse, you may want to read this California opinion issued October 23, 2014 by Judge Richli of the 4th District Court, Division 2, Court of Appeal in California.  I’m sure that many elder law litigators Palm Beach would suggest that you read this if you mom or dad lives in Boca Raton and is aging, and may need a caregiver.


What does “decanting a Florida trust” mean? (new trust video online)

Uncategorized Oct 23, 2014
post about What does “decanting a Florida trust” mean? (new trust video online)

Perhaps you are a beneficiary of a family trust or perhaps multiple trusts. You get a phone call from the Palm Beach Trusteewho says that your recently deceased uncle has exercised a power of appointment over yourgrandmother’s trust.  You know nothing about this, but the trustee gets your attention when she tells you there is $20 Million in the trust.  She also talks to you about decanting family trusts.  You don’t know what the heck that means.