Estate Must Pay $1.2 Million to IRS — recent Late-Filing Penalty Probate Case

Has a Florida estate or probate been subjected to a Late-Filing Penalty by the IRS for filing your US Estate Tax Return too late? If so, was the IRS Estate Tax late-filing penalty a lot bigger than you expected? West Palm Beach Probate Administration attorneys deal with Federal Estate Tax-Return issues all of the time.
Has a loved one passed away in Florida with a taxable estate?
- If so, remember that a federal estate tax return (IRS Form 706) must be filed within 9 months of the decedent’s death.
- Of course additional extensions can be granted.
- Do you know WHEN extension of time to file a late US estate tax return may be granted? Or how to get one? You need a good estate tax lawyer in Florida.
- However, make sure that your Aventura Estate Planner and Boca Raton estate administratorknow:
- A late-filing penalty is mandatory when an executor fails to file any return by the due date, including any extensions.
- The penalty can be as low of 5% of the amount of tax for each month late, up to a maximum of 25% per month.
Court in Recent Ohio Case Upholds $1.2M IRS Late-Filing Penalty on Estate:
- Plaintiffs Janice Specht and Jon Hoffheimer challenged the late-filing fee imposed on theirOhio estate by the IRS.
- Penalty Fee amounted to $1,198,261.38
- This penalty was IN ADDITION TO the actual taxes and interest the estate paid to the IRS: Over $4.1M
- The legal question is simple: Whether Specht and Hoffheimer failed to pay on time as a result of reasonable cause or willful neglect.
- You can read more on this case using the following citation: Specht v. United States, 1:13-CV-705, 2015 WL 74539, at *1 (S.D. Ohio 2015)
West Palm Beach estate administrators know that, although extensions are sometimes granted, the IRS will not often budge once a due date is missed. Make sure your Delray Beach Estate Planner has his calendar marked.
See for videos and information on Wills in Florida, Florida Probate Law, Estate Planning, and Estate Administration in Florida.