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How Much Does Florida Probate Cost? Have You Added in the Clerk’s Fees?

Uncategorized Jan 4, 2016
post about How Much Does Florida Probate Cost? Have You Added in the Clerk’s Fees?

Florida trust lawyers know that Florida probate litigation can get expensive  for a number of reasons. Estate lawyers in Florida will always be sure to let you know their fees but what about the fees for the West Palm Beach probate court and clerk? As the new year approaches more and more States may be raising their fees. What about Florida?

Probate Fees in Florida

  • Probate litigation attorneys know that one of the most expensive parts of any probate lawsuit is the attorney fee.
  • But did you know that a Florida probate lawyer also has to pay the clerk to open cases and file claims?
  • These are known as court costs but they are collected by the local Florida probate clerk.
  • Your Florida estate lawyer may gloss over these expenses but they are by no means minor.
  • In Florida it costs a few hundred dollars to open up an estate.
  • Some consider this a tax but Florida technically has no estate or inheritance tax.
  • Probate attorneys Florida know how much probate is going to cost you, so make sure to ask!
  • Florida estate attorneys know that although they are not on the rise this year probate fees do not go down, they only go up.
  • Check out why the people of Connecticut are freaking out over their probate fees in 2016.

Connecticut Probate Fees on the Rise

  • State officials in Connecticut are considering whether or not to pull back on an unprecedented spike in probate court fees.
  • Critics claim it amounts to a surcharge on the State’s estate tax.
  • A recent panel had called for a review of the probate court fees.
  • The fees really only hit high net worth individuals who have estates worth more than two million dollars. 
  • Do you think the rate hikes are fair?
  • The state previously charged a flat twelve thousand five hundred dollars to settle estates worth more than two million but now want to make it a percentage of the estate.
  • That is starting to sound like a tax.
  • The question is whether or not it is fair.
  • What do you think?

Want to learn more?

Check out a recent article by clicking here.

Want to see short, concise, free online videos about Florida Trust & Probate from a private Florida trust video library in the cloud?

Are You Interested in Viewing Free Florida Trust, Probate & Estate Videos?

  • Finally, do you want to see free Florida trust, Probate videos, which include important topics of Florida estate, guardianship, attorneys fees, & trust law videos from a private, Florida estate & trust video library?
  • There is no cost, no sign up, no one will ask you for your email address to see these dozens of free Florida probate videos at this online Palm Beach estate & trust video library.
  • Watch short, concise Florida probate videos for free here at this link:http://www.pankauskilawfirm.com/Firm-Overview/FAQS.shtml