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Getting Through the Probate Process

Uncategorized • Jun 5, 2014
post about Getting Through the Probate Process

Being a beneficiary, or even a creditor, of a Palm Beach estate can sometimes be frustrating, costly and time consuming. We get it. That’s what are clients tell us.

While an estate shouldn’t go on and on for years and years, sometimes, you do need time to settle claims, pay debts and gather assets for distribution of inheritances.

While it should not be a long, arduous process, it can be a long walk.

And if an estate tax return is required to be filed for estates larger than $ 5 Million, dealing with the IRS definitely is going to add months to your Palm Beach probate. If there’s litigation or estate lawsuits, add some additional time, too.

But, the good news is this:

  1. Good probate lawyers abound in Palm Beach Gardens, Boynton, West Palm , Delray and Boca.
  2. Probate judges want to move their cases along. They understand that beneficiaries don’t want to wait years to receive their inheritance.
  3. There are mechanisms and strategies in the Florida Probate Rules and the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure to move things along.

While the probate process and funding of one’s family trust can be frustrating, a bit time consuming, or even stressful those that have not been involved in estate administration before….there is light at the end.