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Florida Surviving Spouse Inheritance Rights: If a Foreign Law Allows Two People to Inherit From Each Other as Surviving Spouses, Despite Not Being Married, Will They Have Surviving Spouse Inheritance Rights in Florida?

Uncategorized Feb 12, 2018
post about Florida Surviving Spouse Inheritance Rights: If a Foreign Law Allows Two People to Inherit From Each Other as Surviving Spouses, Despite Not Being Married, Will They Have Surviving Spouse Inheritance Rights in Florida?

If foreign law allows a couple to inherit from each other as surviving spouses, despite not being married, will they be able to inherit as a surviving spouse in Florida? No! According to Cohen v. Shushan, a recent Second DCA opinion, section 732.102 of the Florida Statutes provides an intestate share of a Florida estate to a surviving spouse. The opinion then defines a spouse as ” a person who has entered into a marital relationship with another.” Therefore, in order to be a surviving spouse for purposes of inheritance in Florida, you must have been MARRIED to the decedent at the time of his death. The court explains, ” Were we to hold otherwise and approximate a reputed spouse relationship as ” close enough” for purposes of marriage, our court would simultaneously diminish, of only imperceptibly, the uniqueness of the marital status in affairs of society and so offense to a sovereign nation’s authority to define, for itself, the precise boundaries of marriage within its own jurisdiction.”

With that being said, West Palm Beach probate lawyers know that if a marriage is valid under foreign law, it is treated as valid by the Florida probate courts. However, if the purported marital relationship in a foreign jurisdiction would be deemed invalid in that jurisdiction, it must be deemed invalid in Florida. If the foreign relationship between you and the decedent  is NOT recognized as a valid marriage, Florida will NOT recognize you as the surviving spouse for purposes of inheritance.

For a more in depth discussion regarding these surviving spouse issues in Florida, click here to read Cohen v. Shushan in its entirety.