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Florida Guardianship: Bank Accounts Inherited by Guardian, who once was in charge of those funds

Uncategorized Feb 5, 2014

In a recent #FloridaGuardianship opinion issued on January 24, 2014, a #FloridaAppeals Court has ruled that the #FloridaProbateCourt which appointed a #Guardian made an error over the  #Inheritance   of some#FloridaBankAccounts. Those #FloridaBankAccounts belong to the #FloridaGuardian since they were #SurvivorshipAccounts. They don’t belong to the ward’s #FloridaEstate.

  • Susan was the #FloridaProbateCourt appointed #guardian of her aunt’s person and property.
  • Under#FloridaGuardianshipLaw, a    guardian is a fiduciary   who must protect and    watch out for   and manage the incapacitated Florida resident and their property, too.

Q: Can a #FloridaGuardian also be an #EstateBeneficiary ?

  • The #FloridaGuardian was in charge of some #BankAccounts titled in both namestitled in the name of her aunt and herself, as well.


When her aunt died, the #FloridaGuardianship ended and a #FloridaProbate began.    Put another way, the #FloridaGuardian had to wind up and close down the #Guardianship proceeding and now administer the #FloridaEstate.

Under #FloridaProbateLaw, when two names are on a #FloridaBankAccount, there is a presumption —  a legal presumption — of a    #RightOfSurvivorship,  like most true #JointAccounts.

At the #FloridaGuardianship, that is, in the #FloridaProbateCourt, there was no evidence to overcome the legal presumption of a #RightOfSurvivorship regarding the bank accounts.

They belonged to Susan, who also served as her Aunt’s guardian, and now inherited those Florida Bank Accounts under the #FloridaProbateCode.