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Can my ex-spouse inherit from my Florida estate?

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2014
post about Can my ex-spouse inherit from my Florida estate?

So, you are living in Delray Beach, Florida and your ex-husband or ex-wife just passed away.  You want to know if you can inherit, right? Well, if your ex’s heirs or adult kids see that you are in the will or on a beneficiary designation, they are going to ask:  can the ex-spouse inherit from the Florida estate?

Here’s a link to a free, new, online Palm Beach probate video on whether an ex husband or ex wife can inherit from your Florida estate? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaLe9NIIzFA&feature=youtu.be

Question: Want to see more Palm Beach probate videos?

Answer: http://www.pankauskilawfirm.com/videos/

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