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Can I Challenge a Florida Trust: Florida probate video on contesting a Florida trust

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2014
post about Can I Challenge a Florida Trust: Florida probate video on contesting a Florida trust

Thinking about contesting a Florida trust? Let me guess: you live in Delray Beach and your mom, from Boca Raton, had a Palm Beach revocable trust.  She passed away so that the trust is now ir-revocable.  Family trust?

Here is the link to a free, online, short video of conesting a Florida trusthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eStEUCJKpKk&feature=youtu.be

  • Can the terms of a trust which is irrevocable be changed?
  • Can you alter a Florida trust even if it says you can’t?
  • What is modification and reformation?
  • What new Florida laws for trusts, under the Florida Trust Code, can help a trust beneficiary?

Question: Want to see more videos on Florida trusts?

Answer:   http://www.pankauskilawfirm.com/Firm-Overview/Questions-and-Answers.shtml