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Breach of Fiduciary Duties by Florida Trustees: a short, new video

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2014
post about Breach of Fiduciary Duties by Florida Trustees: a short, new video

If you are a Florida trustee, how do you know if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing under Florida Trust Law? Are you complying with your fiduciary duties?  If you are a Boca Raton beneficiary of a Florida trust, is your trustee doing a good job?

If you are involved with a Palm Beach trust, consider watching this free, new, online trust video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48Adh-76k2Y&feature=youtu.be

  • This trust video discusses a breach of fiduciary duty by a Florida trustee
  • Often referred to as a “breach of trust” by Palm Beach probate litigation law firms, “breach of fiduciary duty” is the legal, trust litigation term to describe when a trustee is not doing what it should be doing.
  • Remember: a trustee has agreed, indeed pledged, to uphold the terms of the Florida trust and to benefit the beneficiaries.
  • So, let’s say that your uncle who is from Boynton Beach, Florida died with a small probate estate, but $10 Million in his revocable living trust.
  • A Lake Worth estate attorney is named the successor trustee
  • Hopefully you and your trustee will get along and share information about the trust, its assets and how trust assets are being invested.
  • After all, can’t we agree that a Florida trustee canNOT operate the trust in secret? 

Question:  Want to see more Florida estate, guardianship and trust videos for free without having to sign up or log in or enter your email address?

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