When does a probate appeal in Florida make sense? Well, for some orders, you actually MUST appeal right NOW– within 30 days of the order. Or you can’t later. Here are some pointers for beneficiaries, family members, creditors and personal representatives. For legal commentary on appeal attorneys fees, click here. Probate Appeal and the “secret rule“ OK, so you are involved in a probate. A Florida estate. And the probate court judge just handed down a ruling that you don’t like. And, maybe that ruling affects one’s inheritance, or some important estate assets (like homestead), or how the estate will be administered. (like, who will be the administrator or personal representative). Maybe there was a will contest. Anyway…… You want to know if you can, or should, file an appeal. There is a lot to consider over a short time frame. Remember, in the Florida probate process, time is almost never on your side. Super short deadlines requiring you to act. For a free Florida legal video on this subject, click HERE. There are two things which you need to know right away. One, how much time do you have? Two, is the order that was handed down, one subject to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.170? A few years ago, probate litigation attorneys were introduced to a new appellate rule. This “new” rule (not so “new” anymore, right?) made certain probate court orders IMMEDIATELY “APPEALABLE.” That also means that if you don’t appeal now, you end up living with […]