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10 Tips for Florida Trust Beneficiaries : Where is all the trust money and where did it go? (new trust video for Florida trust beneficiaries)

Uncategorized Nov 12, 2014
post about 10 Tips for Florida Trust Beneficiaries : Where is all the trust money and where did it go? (new trust video for Florida trust beneficiaries)

Where did all of mom’s trust go?  Where is all the trust money?  A new Florida  video on finding out where all the trust money is, is now available online, for free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62wYohtG1XU&feature=youtu.be.  If you are a beneficiary of a Florida trust, you may want to watch this.

Here are some pointers and tips to keep in mind if you are a Palm Beach trust beneficiaryand wondering where all the trust money is:

  1. Estate planning lawyers Palm Beach are using revocable trusts or living trusts for clients
  2. If you are a beneficiary of a Florida revocable trust, your rights probably don’t come into play until the death of your last parent.  Take the example of a couple in their 80s who live in Boca Raton, Florida.  Typical revocable trusts Florida would say that the kids inherit after the death of the surviving spouse or Florida widow.
  3. You have a right to know where the trust money is and how it’s being invested.  Is it at a Boca Raton bank or a Palm Beach Gardens trust lawyer?
  4. The trustee owes you fiduciary duties
  5. The trustee cannot run the trust in secret
  6. The trustee has to give you an accounting and tell you where the trust funds are and what they were spent on
  7. Trust beneficiaries Florida have a right to relevant information about the trust
  8. A Palm Beach trustee who does not account or provide a trust accounting isbreaching his or her fiduciary duty to you, the trust beneficiary, and it does not matter whether you live in Florida or outside of Florida
  9. If the trustee won’t tell you about the trust and you are a qualified beneficiary under theFlorida Trust Code, you may have to file a Trust lawsuit and sue the Florida Trustee
  10. Be carefulf if you get documents in the mail or email from your trustee: you may only have six months to contest the trust, or file a Trust Challenge Palm Beach