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Petition for Discharge in a Florida Probate

What is a petition for discharge in a Florida probate, or a Florida estate?

Hello, my name is John Pankauski. I’m a litigation attorney at Pankauski Hauser and West Palm Beach. All we handle is Florida probate litigation. Including litigation involving estates, trusts, and guardianships.

What is a petition for discharge in a Florida probate, or a Florida estate? That’s a request by the personal representative or the executor to close the estate down.

But be careful, it’s a lot more than that. You need to read the petition very carefully. You need to respond in writing within 20 days because that petition of a discharge is going to talk about accounting, asset, expenses, attorneys fees, costs, and a plan for distribution of the assets.

Know what your rights are when you respond to the petition for discharge. And remember, if you don’t respond, the law is not going to help you if you remain silent. That’s going to be set for a trial, or some type of a hearing.

Know how to exercise your rights if you object to the petition for discharge, and make sure you do it within the required timeframe.