Marital settlement agreements in Florida
Handling of appeals and how should a court interpret a marital settlement agreement?
Marital settlement agreements in Florida. Handling of appeals and how should a court interpret a marital settlement agreement? Hello my name is John Pankauski. The appellate attorneys and trial lawyers at Pankauski Hauser handle matters throughout the State of Florida and from time to time we are asked to litigate or handle the interpretation of a contract or written instrument like a will or a trust a prenuptial agreement and sometimes a settlement agreement. We handle a lot of settlements or settlement agreements through a lot of mediation. In the divorce or family law proceeding, many times those are called MSA’s or marital settlement agreement. How does an appellate court interpret a marital settlement agreement when it was drafted by lawyers and probably approved by the divorce court judge and when you’re interpreting a marital settlement agreement what do you need to know about contract law. Well, luckily there is a very recent Florida Appeals Court opinion and appellate opinion that will tell you all about this. You can read it for free it’s from Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeal which is down the street from our office here in West Palm Beach. It was issued April 25th 2018 it’s the Kirschner case, April 15th 2018. 4d17851 You can read all about a court interpreting a marital settlement agreement by going to the Fourth District Court of Appeal website clicking on opinions and then scrolling down.