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Finding a Confidential Lawyer Regarding Your Sexual Harassment Case

Speaking initially to a lawyer should be free of charge, they should conduct a conflict of interest check and lastly, anything you tell them should be kept confidential.

Finding a confidential lawyer regarding your sexual harassment case. Hello, my name is John Pankauski, I’m a trial attorney with Pankauski Hauser in West Palm Beach. Are you the victim of sexual harassment or undue advances in the workplace. If you are, you may want to speak to an attorney who is used to handling trials but maybe you are wondering or maybe you are a little concerned that what you tell that lawyer will not be kept confidential. Here is a couple of things to keep in mind. First of all, lawyers should at least be speaking to you initially free of charge. Two, they should conduct a conflict of interest check first, why? You don’t want to be talking to a lawyer who represents the company or the person that you are suing. That lawyer should tell you if they have any conflicts of interest. Thirdly, if there is no conflict, what you tell that lawyer should absolutely be confidential. He or she should not disclose to anyone and you should feel entirely safe and speaking freely and confidentially with a lawyer about your sexual harassment case. Finally, you should know that you should never be under any obligation to hire a lawyer. You the client get to chose who you want to hire or who you want to fire as your attorney in Florida. My name is John Pankauski and I hope that this has been helpful if you are trying to find an attorney regarding sexual harassment.