Pankauski Law Firm PLLC

Palm Beach Probate FAQ: How do I get a copy of the Florida will?

How do I get a copy of the Florida will?  How do I learn about the Palm Beach Probate?  These are basic questions aboutestate administration which Probate Lawyers Boca Raton get asked all the time.  So, if you don’t have an estate lawyer Palm Beach Gardens to call, you might want to watch a free online Florida probate video on the issue of “How do I get a copy of the Florida will?” 

Here is the link to the free Palm Beach estate video:

Common Questions About Palm Beach Probate & Palm Beach Wills

Did you know…………….?

  1. There is a Florida probate law requiring the person who has possession of the Florida will to deposit the Florida will with the clerk of courts for the Florida county where the person died?  So, if someone in, say, Ft. Lauderdale, has a will of person who lived inJupiter, Florida, and that Jupiter resident just died, that person in Ft. Lauderdale who has the will must file it in Palm Beach County, Florida.
  2. The person with the last will of the person who died has 10 days to file the Palm Beach will ?
  3. When you file the will, the clerk of courts will give you, or anyone, a “will file” number?   For a few buck$, you can also get a certified copy of the Florida will.
  4. The filing of the will with the clerk of courts can be learned online for free ? In other words if you are wondering if anyone filed the will for someone in Palm Beach, simply look online.
  5. Just filing the will does not “openPalm Beach probate?  (To open probate in Florida, you need to file a Petition for (Estate) Administration under the Florida Probate Codeand the Florida Probate Rules and then give notice to the persons who are interestedin the Florida estate.
  6. There is a (newer) Florida Probate Code law about wills which helps you recover attorneys fees if the person with the will won’t file the will with the court?
  7. You can demand that the person who has the will file the Palm Beach will with thecourt?
  8. You might be able to recover attorneys fees if the person with the will won’t file it and  you have to open probate to get it filed?
  9. Wills in Florida are public record: anyone can read them?
  10. The person named in the will to be executor of the will, or Personal Representative of the Palm Beach Estate, does not, necessarily, automatically serve as the executor?
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